Noticiasene • 31 • 2017
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Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 31, 2017 AHR Expo Booth N12131 – Cooper&Hunter, a globally acclaimed manufacturer of a wide range of HVAC equipment, is introducing new models of Sophia series multi zone mini split air conditioners. Now Sophia series encounts 16 indoor units models in different shapes including wall-mount, mini floor consoles, ceiling cassette, universal floor/ceiling and slim duct. Heat Pump units can heat & cool up to 5 zones. Enhanced comfort is one of the top reasons behind the growing popularity of the multi-zone air conditioners. As an editional benefit, all wall mount models are Wi-Fi ready and can be operated on remote with the help of mobile application.

The indoor and the outdoor units are protected by Gold Fin and Green Fin coatings, respectively. 2 additional filters are used in the indoor units: cold catalyst and silver ion. These filters and the anti-corrosion coatings are intended to increase durability, prevent bacteria propagation, improve heat transfer efficiency, and ensure better performance. Advanced features such as turbo operation mode and double level air flaps make the SOPHIA series special and reliable in many aspects.

Multi-Room Ductless Inverter Heat Pump Systems from Cooper&Hunter reduce energy waste, maximizes efficiency and can achieve up to 22.5 SEER. Certain models are EnergyStar certified.

With the expansion of new series multi-zone air conditioners, more than two-hundred combinations are now available with the company’s popular line-up of Victoria and Sophia series. These systems can be mixed and matched wihin each series. The Sophia multi-zone series is currently available in 18,000 BTU, 28,000 BTU, 36,000 BTU and 48,000 BTU classes. The Victoria series offers assortments ranging between 18,000 BTU and 42,000 BTU. Both series are available in different shapes including wall-mount, mini floor consoles, ceiling cassette, universal floor/ceiling and slim duct.

Announcing the launch of the new multi-zone air conditioners, the CEO of Comfortside LLC Marat Terchiev stated, "These air conditioners have been designed considering multiple climate zones of North America continent. The SOPHIA mini split series from Cooper and Hunter is the perfect climate control equipment for the United States and Canada because it works with great efficiency even at sub-zero temperatures. Designed to operate at any time of the year, SOPHIA air conditioner series heats perfectly at -13°F and cools at +122°F. Cooper&Hunter produces products of high quality and proudly supports customers with 7-year warranty for compressors and 5-year warranty for parts."

About Cooper&Hunter: For more than 20 years, Cooper&Hunter have offered a full range of air conditioning products to HVAC distributors in more than 30 countries. During last 10 years COOPER&HUNTER equipment has become very popular all over the world. The number of products yielded under the brand C&H (COOPER&HUNTER) is measured in millions of items now and the C&H itself has become a mark of quality and reliability of HVAC equipment. The company’s goal has always been to give the customers the best quality air conditioners for an affordable price.Headquartered in Miami, Florida, Comfortside LLC is an exclusive master dealer of Cooper&Hunter in USA and Canada.


Media Contact: Irina Khvorostiana
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 1-786-953-6706