Patrociniosmay • 30 • 2017
art_20171026144503468 Bravo

Following recent partnership with Ice Hockey World Championship Division 1 – Group A, Cooper&Hunter has announced that it is looking to expand sponsorship associated with ice hockey.  

Throughout the last two decades, the popularity and participation of hockey have increased around the world. Hockey is widely associated as a winter sport and hence is thought of as a sport played exclusively in countries with cold climates. However, ice hockey is played competitively in every continent in the world, with more than 70 countries and two million players registered with the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF). Ice Hockey is Ranked #9 among most popular sports in the World. NHL is one of the biggest professional sports league with over $4.1 billion yearly revenue keeping it in the top 5 pro sport leagues like NFL, Premier League, NBA.

While the brand may have a global footprint, its marketing and communication strategies will be driven by local needs in each country. Cooper&Hunter is looking for opportunity to create deep emotional connections with each geography target audience. Talking about North America, ice hockey is Canada’s most prevalent winter sport, its most popular spectator sport, and it’s most successful sport in international competition. Hockey is no longer America’s forgotten sport as well – in fact, it’s bigger than ever in the United States, being one of the “Top 4 Sports”. The game is played either professionally or at the amateur level in all 50 states, even in Hawaii.

2017 Ice Hockey World Championship Division 1 – Group A was held during April 22-27 in the Sports Palace arena in Kyiv, Ukraine. The tournament attracted 60,000 spectators watching 15 matches during 6 days. Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Austria, Korea and Ukraine battled for the top-two places to earn promotion to the 2018 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship in Denmark. After two years in the Division I Austria won the Championship and got promoted to the 2018 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship together with Korean team, who will play in the top division of the IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship the first time in the history.

Cooper&Hunter was there all way as an official partner of the Championship, uniting different countries around sport and to promote healthy way of life. Speed and power, reliability and hardiness, ice and coolness, hot emotions and warm atmosphere – all these are common features of both Cooper&Hunter brand, its products and ice hockey. It is no wonder, that hockey was chosen as the main sport for corporate marketing theme, planning to support not only professional sportsmen and events, but also amateur and children. As a partner, Cooper&Hunter helped to build excitement around hockey and to make every hockey moment more special.

Cooper&Hunter is fast developing company with a strong brand presence in more than 30 countries, but there are millions hockey lovers and C&H brand fans all over the world.  It was a great honor for Cooper&Hunter to support such a large-scale sporting event like 2017 Ice Hockey World Championship. This partnership is an important milestone for Cooper&Hunter in the continuous effort to contribute to the development of sport worldwide.

Beyond Hockey, Cooper&Hunter is very engaged in the development of other sports. During last few years, Cooper&Hunter expanded its dedication to sport such as sponsorship of women’s basketball team Kouvottaret in Finland and Martignano Triathlon Cross Country 2016 in Italy.
About Cooper&Hunter: For more than 20 years, Cooper&Hunter have offered a full range of air conditioning products to HVAC distributors in more than 30 countries. During last 10 years COOPER&HUNTER equipment has become very popular all over the world. The number of products yielded under the brand C&H (COOPER&HUNTER) is measured in millions of items now and the C&H itself has become a mark of quality and reliability of HVAC equipment. The company’s goal has always been to give the customers the best quality air conditioners for an affordable price. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, Comfortside LLC is an exclusive master dealer of Cooper&Hunter in USA and Canada.


Contact:Yanira Angeles +786-95306706
Email: [email protected]