Noticiasfeb • 21 • 2017
art_20171026145812872 Bravo

In 2016 Cooper&Hunter sales in Ukraine increased significantly despite a downshift in the local economy. Ukrainian Cooper&Hunter distributors contributed to this success. In early 2017, the best sales partners in Ukraine were invited to visit the largest HVAC trade show, AHR Expo 2017, which was held January 30 –February 1 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. More than a trade show, AHR Expo features unique forum HVAC specialists, facilitating share innovations, professional ideas, and market prospective. The expo has been held annually for more than 80 years, each year in a different US city. In 2017, the expo in Las Vegas set several records, including the registration of more than 68,000 visitors and exhibitor personnel, as well as the sale of 500,159 square feet. It was by far the largest and best-attended expo in the Western states, showcasing some 1,968 exhibiting companies.

Cooper&Hunter, a globally acclaimed manufacturer of a wide range of HVAC equipment, presented the most popular ductless mini-split air conditioners that feature proven sales success, as well as absolutely new equipment just launched or to be launched in 2017.Guests were impressed by the Cooper&Hunter booth at AHR Expo 2017 and its display of new models.

Cooper&Hunter was excited not only to be one of the exhibitors but also to bring memorable travel experiences to Ukrainian partners, including the visit to the expo. During their stay, Cooper&Hunter personnel visited the Grand Canyon and attended the La Reve Circus De Soleil Show at The Wynn Hotel. During the official dinner event, the Cooper&Hunter US Headquarters team greeted Ukrainian partners, thanked them for the 2016 sales results, and wished them fruitful cooperation in 2017.Prior to the Las Vegas visit, Ukrainian dealers flew to Los Angeles to tour the City of Angels and to enjoy Universal Studio Entertainment Park.

This trip was the latest promotion of the travel incentive program Cooper&Hunter established a few years ago to help drive sales and sustain sales satisfaction ratings. Cooper&Hunter hopes to continue their compelling engagement strategy, offering a variety of unique experiences to motivate sales associates to strive for success. As part of the program, dealer principals/general managers will continue to be rewarded with “once-in-a lifetime” travel experiences.